Megamixed : “Missing Out” by Elektralux

Title: Missing Out
Artist: Elektralux
Label: Naim Edge
Release: August 10 in iTunes

Given the new releases out there (and their ages) its not a huge surprise to learn that the Bath based group (of Nik Walker, Pete Clark, Damian Simes, Martin Badder and Dave Power) Elektralux has a bit of an Eighties electro sound with a touch of Madness thrown in, but it could just be the fact that they are singing in English accents, something unusual in itself. However, listen to the lyrics, how many lines from 80s hits have been stolen (with different tune usually) for effects here.It almost sounds like they are name checking their influences.

I like it. They follow a singer/MC style, but usually with tightly harmonised sung lines and progressions. The only thing against it is, well it sounds familiar. You can predict the chord and tune changes. This isn’t a condemnation, but if it happens a lot, you’ll worry a little for them.

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About Will

Will likes to dance around the interfaces of technology, people and culture. Unfortunately that dance floor is freshly waxed. He usually remembers to write (and photograph) at

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