Come Join the Party

Dear Culchies, This is post number 800 on And in the week that we reach 800 posts and over 4,000 comments, it seems like a good time to open our arms for fresh blood. We could never have hoped for to become as popular as it has. What began as a fun project where we could talk about the more frivolous side of our lives has expanded into a very popular site and resource. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our authors, who have put in an incredible amount of work for no monetary reward, our readers, who have spread the word and made so popular, and the PR folks who have given us the opportunity to view films, go to events, see the newest plays and who have given us competition prizes. Thank you all. So, what’s next? Well, we’re looking for some fresh … There’s more

The Walking Dead Week - TWD - A Review

On Monday, I posted about the new release of the latest book in The Walking Dead Series. Fantasy Bazaar has put together a Zombie filled week to celebrate this fact. Yesterday was: The Top 5 Zombie Movies (Don’t forget to Click here to enter the competition to win a signed copy of the latest ‘The Walking Dead’ book) Today we have: Fantasy Bazaar - The Walking Dead Review


We don’t cover photography here often enough. Today an image called Phoenix grabbed my retina and wouldn’t let go. Yes, he a well known blogger and a mate but that shouldn’t stop you heading over and appreciating the magic he creates with the ordinary…

Broken Spine #10

Who knew when we started this gig that’d last ten incarnations, each one better than the last… Recommended Reading #9: From the writer of the Wire… Every time I go to the bookshop I seem to see yet another novel (or non-fiction account of real-life grimey street life) from “the writer of The Wire“. There seems to be an unending stream of writers on the show, each of whom have released a book or three. So this week, I’m taking a look at the best of the lot. David Simon - Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets Simon is the creator and producer of the Wire. This non-fiction account of a year in the life of the Baltimore Police Department homicide squad can be seen as the main inspiration for the Wire. It was released in 1991, but has since been re-released firstly in hardback and now in softback … There’s more

Edinburgh Fringe Reviews Week 2

Week Two and there is shows coming and going with lots more to see! This week at the Traverse we have welcomed three new shows. We say goodbye to three of the easier shows and hello to The Doubtful Guest, A Life In Three Acts and If That’s All There Is. The crew were just finding our rhythm in the turnarounds and now this will tip this slightly but we will press on. However the most important arrival or creation is that of our gaff ball. All discarded gaff tape for the last week is being put together to create a gaff ball/man! One reason to see the Betrayal of Penguins is that you can say you saw John Gallagher and Matt Smyth’s first show. (To be correct it’s the second but the first stand up!) so you can brag to your friends when they become really big ala arcade … There’s more

Come See Blind Yackety

Lottie spoke about Blind Yackety before when she interviewed lead singer (and so much more) Kevin McNamara. Blind Yackety is one of the most original and unusual music acts I’ve heard in recent years. Random, comic, clever, fun and brilliant. Tomorrow night, 20th August, they are playing upstairs in Whelan’s with guests, the superb Deadly Nightshades. Tickets are a measly €8, so go check them out. And if you can’t make it tomorrow night, this Friday the band play their final gig in their current line up and I’ll be there to catch it. Come join us in Greystones Theatre from 8pm for a night of great music and the odd beverage. Again, tickets are €8, but if you arrive before 9pm they’ll let you in for less. Don’t forget to check out the MySpace pages of Blind Yackety and The Deadly Nightshades to sample their music.