Week Two and there is shows coming and going with lots more to see!
This week at the Traverse we have welcomed three new shows. We say goodbye to three of the easier shows and hello to The Doubtful Guest, A Life In Three Acts and If That’s All There Is. The crew were just finding our rhythm in the turnarounds and now this will tip this slightly but we will press on. However the most important arrival or creation is that of our gaff ball. All discarded gaff tape for the last week is being put together to create a gaff ball/man!
One reason to see the Betrayal of Penguins is that you can say you saw John Gallagher and Matt Smyth’s first show. (To be correct it’s the second but the first stand up!) so you can brag to your friends when they become really big ala arcade fire. More importantly though you will realize what an excellent show it is. An unusual mixture of stand up, banter and sketches that really works, following the ideas of friendships and betrayal. The highlight of the show is the way the two performers interact and bounce off each other contrasting enthusiasm and pure energy. Cant See this catch Cat on the Matt!
Every night in Edinburgh there are lots of late night shows that bring a variety of comedians to audience in one night. One of which is run and hosted by the two sell out comedians Adam Hills and Jason Byrne. The show is titled Adam, Jason and friends and that’s just what comes across. Two mates who get together have a few jokes at each other and audience expense and introduce the audience to some fabulous acts. The night I attended we saw the Tao Drummers, Pajama Men and Sarah Milican. Three excellent acts I would never had time to see individually, as well as Hills and Byrne’s fabulous comparing. These two have sell out shows individually and so to see them together is incredible. It comes across as genuinely good friendship. I would have happily paid twice to see these two perform so a great night for only 11 pounds.
Daniel Kitson wouldn’t be know as well in Ireland, however in Edinburgh, he is a cult hero. He does stand up and a theatrical show every night and every single one of them are sold out. I managed to catch his theatre show in the Traverse. The show is about, Gregory Church and how writing 56 suicide letters delayed his death by 24 years. Kitson is simply the best wordsmith I have ever come across performing live. His ability to create a story and guide the audience through the life of Church is spell bounding and brilliantly refreshing while not loosing the comic talent that he originally became famous for.
As work is taking over my opportunity to get to shows I have asked my friend Sara Cregan to review what she has seen so far and pass them on!
Stefan Golaszewski Is A Widower: Traverse Theatre, Various Times
This is a beautiful show. Set in 70 years in the future Stefan tells us about the life he has had with his wife ‘Pudding’. This is the perfect follow on to last years superb Stefan Golaszewski Speaks About A Girl He Once Loved. Golaszweski is a wonderful performer and as a writer has a beautifully effortless way with words. The most wonderful thing about this show is its simplicity, falling in love, getting married, growing old…we all get there eventually and it is refreshing to hear the story stretch past ‘I do’ all the way to the end. In saying that this show is not all roses, as in all relationships there are many downs accompanying the ups but as heart-wrenching as they are, you find yourself leaving the theatre feeling better about love and life.
The Grandee Way: Underbelly: 15.45
Following on from last year, the Grandees are back! To destroy 80’s Soho nightclub Martini’s right in the middle of their big talent show. Another hour of 80’s movie nostalgia and men in leotards! It is a great piece of entertainment featuring some truly great characters…the Grandees themselves (particularly Baby Jack) and Martini are fantastic. This trio of comedians have a great gift for timing, characters and use of 80s’s power ballads. I love this group, you just cant help but laugh aswell as wonder how many times they sat through Dirty Dancing!
Emma: C Soco, 16.10
This will not be for everyone but i feel safe in saying that if you are a fan of the book, or indeed Austen in general then you will. If your not then you wouldn’t really want to see it anyway would you? Emma is another example of a good student production which has its flaws and its upsides taking the risk of bringing it to the Fringe. Some of the acting is great, in particular Ms Weston/Ms Elton who does a great job in both parts. The production itself was very bare, using only a few props in the different scenes but that works well in this case. The only thing that bothered me slightly in that Emma herself was outshone by some of the supporting cast. A pity but overall not detrimental.