The Walking Dead Week - TWD - A Review

On Monday, I posted about the new release of the latest book in The Walking Dead Series. Fantasy Bazaar has put together a Zombie filled week to celebrate this fact.

Yesterday was: The Top 5 Zombie Movies

(Don’t forget to Click here to enter the competition to win a signed copy of the latest ‘The Walking Dead’ book)

Today we have:

Fantasy Bazaar - The Walking Dead Review

First published in 2003, Robert Kirkman’s ‘The Walking Dead’ has become one of the best selling and most talked about graphic novels in recent years. When Zombies are mentioned, it’s likely that you’ll hear Robert Kirkman and his The Walking Dead series in the same sentance.

Last week, it was announced that a TV series was in production with AMC. Even better news, ‘The Mist”s, among many other Stephen King projects, Frank Darabont is in for writing and direction.

So what’s all the fuss about?

The series focuses on our hero, Rick Grimes. A police officer by day and husband to Lori. The series begins when Rick wakes in a hospital after being in coma, ala 28 days later. The place is deserted and he sets off on a journey to find is wife and discover what has happened. There has been some sort of outbreak, and the dead are rising and attacking the living.

While there are Zombies constantly featuring throughout the story, this is not really a Zombie comic. Instead, it’s a story about the human condition, and the toll that surviving in a post-apocalyptic world takes on people. It’s written with such intricate understanding of the extremes that people will go to when they or their family are faced with danger and uncertainty and the pain that loss of human life causes.

It’s not for the faint of heart. Reading this novel has at least the same effect that some of the most suspenseful and horrific horror movies have had on me. Not in the mindless ‘Hostel’ torture way, but more along the lines of ‘The Thing’. Masterful plotting and character development, but also no fear of throwing some fairly harsh twists and turns in the mix.

Going into more detail would be doing injustice to the story. Go out and buy the first volume ‘Days Gone By’ and I can almost guarantee that you’ll be hooked. I will advise that you try your hardest not to become too attached to any of the characters and with that I shall say no more :-)

The latest paperback volume, no.10 is now available from Sub City comics, Dublin and Charlie Adlard will be signing at Sub City’s new store, Unit 5 West Essex Street from 1pm onwards on Sat 22 August.

About Rob Cumiskey

Pop Culture fanatic, Aston Villa supporter, lover of penguins.

4 Responses to The Walking Dead Week - TWD - A Review

  1. Pingback: » Blog Archive » The Walking Dead Week - Top 5 Zombie Novels

  2. Bob says:

    A fine graphic novel with well-defined characters. Hopefully they can keep up the very high standard of storytelling. After 64 or so issues it certainly shows no sign of flagging.

  3. Pingback: camera obsessa

  4. Darren Byrne says:

    I adore the Walking Dead series. It was only the second graphic novel I read in recent years (after Watchmen) and I wasn’t disappointed. It’s not a zombie story - it’s a tale about the human struggle. Wonderful. Looking forward to reading the latest installment.