festival of world cultures

thinking of going….? being honest I didn’t really know what to expect at first… I’d never been before….

all I can say is there is too much to do. Far too much. Go.

I met with Joerg [yes *the* famous joerg ;) ] and of course there were a few bands that I had on my list to see play live. I was at the main stage… it was jam packed! Then I went to see four lads play the buskers corner band stand on the east pier… they rocked the place!

If you want a falaffel, some wind chimes, some moroccan tea or some seaweed sausages….. it’s all there. Last day tomorrow - go. do it. It’s a free gig. You can even bring a picnic. here’s my day…….. ;)

About Peter

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or www.doneganlandscaping.com

One Response to festival of world cultures

  1. The FWC seems to be consistently awesoming everyone!

    Lovely video too! :)