Silver Surfer Awards

Clipboard01The first ever Silver Surfer Awards were announced by Age Action recently - awards to celebrate older people who are enthusiastic users of information technology - computers, internet and mobiles. There are some great prizes including a laptop and a year’s mobile internet from O2 for the overall Silver Surfer of the Year winner :)


Photo from

There are several categories for nominations

Silver Surfer of the Year

Someone who has best embraced IT with a sense of adventure and fun and as a new opportunity for learning, pleasure or enterprise.

Most dedicated IT learner

A determined learner who has overcome challenges to become a confident IT user.

Group Communicator

Someone who uses IT for group communication (family, community, club) to the best effect – whether it is texting, emailing, Skype, wiki, blogs or Twitter

Passionate hobbyist

Someone who best uses the internet in pursuit of a passion or hobby—e.g. a quilter, sailor, nature lover, gardener, photographer, bird watcher, cook, musician, local historian or genealogist.

IT volunteer(s) of the year

Someone who provides support and encouragement to older learners on a voluntary basis. Nominations can be for an individual or group.

Age ActionI think it’s a great idea to encourage more older people onto the ‘interweb’ (as my gran used to call it before I ever heard any one else use it) and the awards ceremony is part of a conference called IMAGINE IT! aimed specifically at coaxing the older generation online.

You can nominate anyone over the age of 55 for any of the categories, apart from the ‘IT volunteer(s) of the year’ category - they can be of any age. The nomination form is here. You can also email your nominations to ppower[at]ageaction[dot]ie. Last date for nominations is 18 September so get your thinking caps on!

The awards ceremony is on 28 September and will be held in Croke Park, hosted by Age Action as part of Positive Ageing Week. Go on - teach your parent and grandparents how and then nominate them :)

About Niamh

You can reach me on [email protected] :)

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