Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

Cheating in this will result in you being made to watch Play TV from start to finish to try and find some personality in the presenters. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. 000OOO000 Guess the movie - Released in 1975 Christopher Lloyd’s first movie The lead role was originally offered to James Caan, Gene Hackman and Marlon Brando. The director really wanted Burt Reynolds. None of them got it. Anjelica Huston appears briefly Many of the extras weren’t extras at all That’s all you’re getting. It’s getting to the stage where I’ll just give you a release date and make you guess from that….

The Culchie Catch-Up

In recent weeks, has been on fire with some great posts from some excellent new writers and from our regular long time contributors. If you’ve been overwhelmed by the deluge, let me guide you through some recent pieces that may take your fancy. Guest Posts Though we have taken on some new writers, we’ve also been accepting guest submissions from some people. Lilbitz looks at some fun places to bring your kids around Dublin in Swings and Roundabouts, Keleher plays us a bit of Donal Lunny and Andy Irvine, while Hugo has a great post about the web today in What the Web Weally Is – The Good the Bad and the Ugly. There’s two great posts on the movies from Niall and Ken. Niall takes a glance over what movies we can look forward to in the rest of 2009 in Coming to a Silver Screen Near You. … There’s more