Movie Moments #3

5 Responses to Movie Moments #3

  1. Niall says:

    Ah the perennial Christmas favourite. I’m a huge fan of this movie, Frank Capra in general and of course Jimmy Stewart. To think that this was Stewart’s first movie back after serving in World War II is staggering considering the depth of emotion he displays as George Bailey.

  2. Emlyn says:

    A timeless classic. Heartwarming without being saccharine (and very dark at times) :)

  3. Maxi Cane says:

    Great, spoil the ending.

    I’ve never seen it.

  4. Lottie says:

    @Niall - I think, I I were honest, that it’s my favourite movie. I hold it out in such high regard and every other movie which try the emotional/drama route are judged to it’s standard and thus usually all short.

    Stewart ROCKS! Always has, always will.

    @Emlyn - never goes too far to be soppy or cheap.

    @Maxi - So I should put up a warning for Se7en, The Sixth Sense, Usual Suspects and Romeo & Juliet…

  5. lecraic says:

    One of those films that I’ll never get tired of watching. Surprised that Hollywood hasn’t tried to remake it but the the mere fact that they haven’t may indicate that it just couldn’t be made any better.