Culch Movie News 12/09/09
First up, some cool new one-sheets have been released for Spike Jonze‘s Where The Wild Things Are: Sly is seemingly gearing up to start production on Rambo V: The Savage Hunt. The script is already written and a synopsis has been released. They seem to be going slightly sci-fi this time around, with Rambo and his 22-year-old hunting partner Beau Brady along with a team of Special Forces have to try and track down a beast somewhere loose in the Arctic Cirlce. The thing they will be chasing is a half-human abomination created by genetic experiments gone wrong (no cliches here) which has hunting & tracking abilities said to be equal or better than Rambo’s…Now I have only seen the first Rambo, which is amazing, so I don’t particularly know how I feel about this piece of news. Sure the whole bringing him back to the cunning hunter that he … There’s more