The top 10 twitter users in Ireland based on number of followers

I’ll admit I’m addicted to twitter and so found this worth posting here. It just popped up onto my twitter radar - the top 10 twitter users of each country based on number of followers, over at

Apparently they’ve compiled this using both Twitterholic and, but also searched out people by specific location (e.g London as opposed to UK) as well. I’m quite surprised by it to be honest. Though I’m almost always on Twitter, I recognise (as in have either heard of or follow or seen mentioned) only three names on the list…

And going further, it seems it’s not just about what you say (based on number of tweets here) but how many you follow. They may not have many tweets but they are certainly following a fair few people!

Below - their names - their followers - the amount of people they follow - the amount of tweets they have*

1. Joe Scanlon: 57,667 followers - follows 42,265 - 4,193 tweets

2. RoboSteel:40,034 followers - follows 14,522 - 3,308 tweets

3. John Higgins:23,131 followers - follows 23,942 - 8,348 tweets

4. James Cannon:14,912 followers - follows 15,269 - 1,206 tweets

5. Mark Suter:12,906 followers - follows 13,223 - 1,632 tweets

6. Anthony Mc Carthy: 12,541 followers - follows 13,280 - 739 tweets

7. bernadettedoyle: 12,360 followers - follows 13,533 - 2,978 tweets

8. Michael Nugent: 12,049 followers - follows 13,065 - 953 tweets

9. Robbie Gallagher: 11,648 followers - follows 8,952 - 1,396 tweets

10. Krishna De: 11,279 followers - follows 11,374 - 3,355 tweets

(*=I’m aware twitter has been dropping people’s tweet count recently so this may not be an accurate representation. No. of followers based on this article, no. following and no of tweets taken at 17:49 GMT on Saturday 12 September, 2009)

About darraghdoyle

Blogger, event addict and fan of street and performance art. You can contact me directly at darraghdoyle[at]gmail[dot]com or @darraghdoyle on twitter.

11 Responses to The top 10 twitter users in Ireland based on number of followers

  1. Treasa says:

    I haven’t heard of one of them which strikes me as interesting.

  2. Ronan says:

    Who the hell are these people? Darragh you should do a list of the most popular culch writers on twitter!

  3. Ian Healy says:

    I’ve only heard of Krishna….

  4. some of those on the list look like the type of twitter user that have deliberately engineered high numbers of followers.

    Some of them haven’t tweeted in weeks.

    It makes me wonder, just what is the best way to measure popular tweeters. Numbers of followers just isn’t it, that’s for sure!

    Maybe I’ll just create my own top 10 :)

  5. Go on the @joescanlon!

  6. Joe Scanlon says:

    I’m on dial up & a 10 year old pc so I will have to keep this short

    Darragh this is a crappy way to measure Twitter users, I’m embarrassed to be ON the list, let alone heading it up. I’ve done a short post on this over on my own blog and would insert the link to it here but seriously this dial up is killing me (keeps dropping off).

    @Ronan / swearimnotpaul - I agree 100% with what you say.

    @Ian I’ve only heard of Krishna too - but I AM forced to ask the question: Why is she following more people than follow her? This is how I measure crappy Twitter users. If you follow MORE than 10,000 people AND follow more than the number of people who follow you - it stinks (to me anyway) Maybe she may leave a comment to clear that up. I have never met her, but she does post a lot of interesting stuff on Twitter and I am also a facebook friend with her.

    @ClaireBoyles - I AM/WAS one of those people - I engineered my fucking wrist off - and nearly engineered my girlfriend away while I was at it. (Excuse poor language)
    I don’t really tweet much there at the moment cause I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the account. I need to get rid of a lot of spammers from it. I get on average FORTY mafia DMs per day.
    Two completely un-related notes:
    1) Why do you insist on putting “Business Coach” on to the end of your name on comments? It’s Saturday and I’m a bit hungover so forgive me if I’m being rude on that.
    2) You went up a few notches on my “She must be ok” list when I saw a very positive comment about you on Facebook from Tony F.

    @ThomasG - Dude I LOVE my @joescanlon account so much it hurts - 100% FACT.

    Look go check out my post on this. I got carried away - I don’t much money for PR on my new business - and all talk of increasing traffic through increasing twitter numbers got to me. It was “free” and although i was losing hours and hours of my life due to it - i thought it was worth it.

    Really Twitter could/should clamp down on it also.
    Darragh go make your own list man - you know the actual Irish twitter scene better than anyone else. I can give you a few hours of my time if you want help sorting through people etc.

    I could do with some good publicity (HINT: I do not rate this post as good publicity) on LQ launching next Monday week whether I like it or not - (exact words from S.Dent ;-) ) (And to be honest I’m nervous as hell about it)

  7. Joe Scanlon says:

    so much for keeping it short..

  8. Kevin says:

    Wouldn’t agree with the way that list is compiled at all.

    Why not organize a vote to find the “real” top 10 Irish twitterers?

  9. Joe Scanlon says:

    Working on that now Kevin, will be surprised if any of the above make it.

    The fact that none of them have (yet) commented on this post says a lot.
    You’ll notice clicking into most of their twitter accounts that they have many many more followers each since this post less than 24 hours ago (Robosteel and Johh Higgins have almost ONE THOUSAND more followers in less than 24hrs so of course they have some very fancy software working for them ( I guess :-) ) I just hope they are not paying for it - cause if they are - it’s MONEY DOWN THE DRAIN.

    I will comment here again on the simple voting system that we are working on.

  10. Gary McGeown says:

    Recognise Tony McCarthy. Internet Marketing Guy from Cork. Has a good Internet newbies group on facebook.

    Think he got started at the Irish Entrepreneur Superconference.


  11. voodoo says:

    Oh my god like, this popularity contest is so like, amazing.