Coke Zero have a pretty nifty Facebook competition running at the moment. It’s all based around the theme of the impossible becoming possible.
If you can think of an example that illustrates that theme, you are invited to upload the story, photograph or video clip to the Coke Zero Facebook page. It doesn’t have to be something from your own personal experiece. It could be a scene from a film, a photograph from a newspaper or maybe a passage from a book.
Whatever it happens to be, share it on the Facebook page and you could soon become the proud owner of a shiny & sleek Macbook Pro. That’s the prize on offer for the winner of the competition which closes this Thursday, 17th September.
Even if you don’t enter yourself, you can always vote for your friends entry which can’t do any harm when the judges come to decide on a winner.
Clickety click to the competition page.
Very interesting, will see what I can come up with before the deadline, thanks for posting
Went with that scene from My Left Foot when Christy Brown, portrayed by Hugh O’Conor, drew the letters on the chaulkboard, with his left foot. A triumphant event/scene.
Good choice. Have to get my thinking cap on this evening and enter a few myself. Really would love a MB Pro.