Dylan Moran and a big greasy slice of never

I took my seat in Vicar Street for Dylan Moran’s show tonight in fairly pissed off form. Stood up for the fourth time on the bounce by one of the Xposé teletubbies - I can never remember their names - I was alone, balcony seat block F row A seat 12 thank you very much.

If modern life is rubbish, it’s best chronicled by Dylan Moran. Dressed impressively in clothes directly identical to my own, he came on to the theme tune from The Wire. Always a good start. He shushed the audience (“I don’t need the validation”) and launched into a paean to the less moneyed times where he and nine of his mates would sit huddled over a single pint, launching angry tirades at people called ‘cunts’ who had things called ‘jobs,’ taking no little joy in the fact that, well, we’re back there again.

Seeing as I’d brought ne’er a mobile phone or a notepad or one of those lighter pens I’ve heard of but never seen, I won’t get too forensic because I can’t.

It was everything I expected. Shoutier than usual but able to hit the off button in a manner unfathomable to Tommy Tiernan, Moran was an energetic mess of killer lines and a series of metaphors so off kilter they were like a Burger King in outer space wearing women’s leggings, a tiara and some chocolate.

It was that kind of night.

As a single person, I particularly liked “every man has to make a choice whether to be ‘sane’ or ‘not lonely,’” or how in a nightclub one would have to meet a woman before the clock struck twelve for fear of “ending up in the chipper van, eating a deliciously greasy deep fried slice of never.”

There was more, including several references to eating his own foot and refusing to take advice from 12-year-old medics, but I was distracted by the idiot couple beside me paying far too much attention to each other’s nostrils and the woman behind me whose foot came intimately to know my shoulder.

The DVD’s out on November 20th.

9 Responses to Dylan Moran and a big greasy slice of never

  1. Efa says:

    I saw him last wednesday night! Amazing show. So bizarre and random. I liked the part about the prerecession days, pigeon sandwiches on the hot air balloon, its a wednesday morning work thing…..

  2. Darragh says:

    excellent review there. Didn’t see the show meself but Moran is intellectually anarchic enough to satisfy my constant need for mental disruption. Fair play Mr Moran.

  3. Niamh says:

    Lo, I never had much time for Dylan Moran but actually you made it sound like a great gig- maybe I’ve been missing out!

  4. Radge says:

    Efa - There were no pigeon sandwiches last night, just lots and lots of hatred. He does bile like nobody else.

    Darragh - Cheers. Can see how he’s not for everyone but, in my case anyway, misery loves (said) anarchy.

    Niamh - Maybe I’ll just try my hand at the bit of stand-up, you might come along. Five quid admission and free cocktail sausages. I’ll get working on it.

  5. Niamh says:

    Free cocktail sausages? I’m there :D

  6. Voodoolady says:

    Missed out on the tickets this time, would love to see him live. At least got bill bailey for Nov.

  7. Rick says:

    With you completely, Radge. I thought he started a little slow but by the time the second half was rolling it was like watching a boxer in motion and some of his lines were sculpted beautifully, so it was a bit like watching Ali, no?

    In the end he had me crying with laughter. Actually crying. No mean feat.

  8. Radge says:

    Agreed, Rick. I really don’t think he can be beaten.

  9. Toots says:

    I thought he was absolutely shiiiiite to be perfectly honest….