Holy Blind Io! It’s the 1st Irish Discworld Convention!
If you’ve ever thought the name “Havelock” sexy, or used the Vimes’ Boots Theory at a dinner-party discussion, or roared, “I Aten’t Dead!” at yer da, then you’ll be just as excited as I am that the first ever Irish Discworld Convention takes place from the 6th to the 9th of November in the Falls Hotel, Ennistymon, Co. Clare. Discworld, for the uninitiated, is a series of comedic fantasy books by Sir Terry Pratchett set on the … well, Discworld, a flat world balanced on the backs of four gigantic elephants, carried through space on the back of a celestial turtle. Lest that frighten you back into your Al Gore tomes, it should be stated that the Discworld books are probably the most side-splittingly funny, savagely satirical, and emotionally validating books you’ve never read. In short, if you’re not familiar with Discworld due to “ooh, not much liking fantasy, thank … There’s more