*small spoiler alert for 500 Days of Summer*
Went to see 500 Days of Summer and was a tad disappointed - sorry Darren and Niamh. She may be culch’s no. 1 crush but Zooey Deschanel’s (bring back the days of simplistic stage names) character was just too heartless for me to get past. In the context of “boy meets girl - boy loses girl - boy spends bulk of film not getting over it - boy gets over it” films, and there hasn’t been many, this film constantly reminded me of it’s superior 90s equivalent - Swingers.
Swingers was one of those smalltime indie cult films that didn’t reach a wide audience but was a classic all the same, spawning the famous quote “you’re so money” (multiple f-word usage warning).
And how young was Vince Vaughan?
Go rent it out.
And also, I’d advise caution if searching youtube for clips of this film!
One of my absolute favourite films of all time. Nice blog, good to see a minor classic getting a spotlight put on it.
Cheers John. I really need to watch it again. I caught the end of it on Film 4 the wk end before last so it hasn’t been totally forgotten.
“Look at this, okay? I want you to remember this face, here. Okay? This is the guy behind the guy behind the guy. ”
Adore this movie. Jon Favreau’s finest acting role.
Another great clip that I didn’t put up here is when he first tries to pick up a girl and she interrupts him to ask what car he drives and then blanks him when he admits it was a cavallier.