dita von teese hits dublin

She was in for the launch of Vodafones new 360 super dooper new technology…. whilst some of the blog world may have hoped for a photo or maybe an interview…. a brief glimpse of the star was about as good as it got, for me anyway… ;)

For those who like ‘the burlesque‘ thing and there are a few… I was a little dubious as to whether these pics should go here… but then… I’m not involved in telecoms… although I do own a phone ;) That said, if someone got pictures of someone I was a fan of… I’d appreciate seeing them. No offence to Kelly from Vodafone here :) Maybe next time eh…?

Unfortunately, possibly, these images are about as good as I could get. There was this really good John Williams shot of Dita but rumour has it the telecoms disruptor Pat Phelan may have got closest thanks to John again.

Thanks to Niall Harbison for these images which he sent me across this morning ;)

About Peter

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or www.doneganlandscaping.com

6 Responses to dita von teese hits dublin

  1. Arnie says:

    I just really don’t get burlesque. The women who do it lose any natural allure they may have by plastering all that slap on their face and topping it off with a crap wig, and the end result is neither sexy nor amusing, so what is it that I’m missing? Is it a gay thing or something?

  2. Peter says:


    not really my bag being really honest… in the same way i wouldn’t pay to see croquet being played but if there was a park bench there and i fancied a sit down…. i would ;)
    that said as long as your smiling rules apply in life as far as i’m concerned…. and whilst the odd time i’m slightly concerned as to someone dislocating a hip… :lol: re ‘the gay thing’ - you may as well ask the same question about anything in life - once again, as long as you’re happy mate :)

  3. Voodoolady says:

    I do feel there is an air of skangers at halloween about it, you know, you can dress like a prostitute on halloween ’cause it’s a ‘costume’, same could be said for burlesque.

    Also, am I the only one who thinks Dita Von Teese looks like a spa dressed like that the whole time, tone it down love, did she never hear of a day time look??

  4. Peter says:

    if you were paid a few grand you’d wear it :lol:

  5. I love her, and think she’s gorgeous, although I don’t know how she’d wear that stuff to the gym and all.

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