Nightmare On Elm Street Remake - Trailer

Thoughts? Does Rorschach make a good Freddy?

About Sean I operate on that lovely little channel up yonder when I'm not stalking the Culch.ies or being an extreme nerd on other parts of the internet. You should Totes McGotes check me out. If you do, I promise never to use the phrase 'Totes McGotes' again. You have my word.

4 Responses to Nightmare On Elm Street Remake - Trailer

  1. Emlyn says:

    Looks interesting…wish however they would stop remaking classic horror movies (or at least change the story somewhat like the Dawn Of The Dead remake). Plus, anytime i see Michael Bay’s name in anything i want to weep for cinema in general :P

    But Jackie Earle Haley is a good actor…maybe he can inject new blood into Freddy’s undead veins! ;)

  2. Darren Byrne says:

    Oh, I love Freddy. Anything that keeps the franchise going will keep me happy. If we can put up with Roseanne Barr, we can definitely take a Michael Bay produced Elm Street with Jackie Earl Haley as Freddy.

    Cannot. Wait.

  3. Peter says:


    So bored with re-makes - especially of something as classic as Nightmare.

    It would be nice if someone went and made a new classic!

    Do not see the point in this at all

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