Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

If you cheat on this I’ll post every Ashton Kutcher movie.

You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating.

I’m watching and I know where you live.

That Demi Moore stealing scrote makes my blood boil.


Guess the movie -

  • You’re not getting the release year this time
  • The “F” word and it’s variations are used 292 times
  • The word “Dude” is used 161 times. 160 times spoken, and once in a fake movie title credit sequence
  • The main character says “man” 147 times

About Colonel Popcorn

Fillum reviews, spoilers and trivia about fillums you've already seen, or at least should have by now.

Favourite movie munchies and ideas for new ones.

8 Responses to Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

  1. Darren Byrne says:

    Dude! It has to be The Big Lebowski. I refuse to believe any other movie uses the word ‘Dude’ that many times.

  2. fedorafennec says:

    The “dude” and “man” sort of gave it away.

  3. Nope, but I knew you’d guess that one.

  4. Immediately I thought The Big Lebowski too, but now I have no idea.

  5. Niall says:

    Wait, how is it not The Big Lebowski? It fits so perfectly.

    “The Dude abides.”

  6. SmoothLikeMurphys says:

    Dude, where’s my car?

  7. Annie says:

    random guess: knocked up.

  8. Alright, it was The Big Lebowski.

    I have a good one for my next one though.