
You may or may not have seen these yet.

People in the catering industry have, and it’s doing the rounds in some Facebook circles.

This could actually work as a proper series.

It’s a series of ads for an online recruitment agency based in the UK. Brilliant, just brilliant.

Hydrogenated dog shit.

About Maxi Cane

Sniffin' around yer ma, she loves it. She also loves it Here and Here

6 Responses to Unf*ckingbelievable

  1. Niamh says:

    LOL, very funny & clever :D
    Love the restaurant one when they leave and the parents are swinging him down the road :)

  2. Sinéad says:

    What a little legend.

  3. Paula says:

    Though, judging by the first one I thought it was an ad for domestic abuse…

  4. Ciara says:

    Absolutely hilarious!

  5. Niall says:

    I’d say that kid is a pain in real-life, just like the real Gordon Ramsey.

  6. Anthony McG says:

    That is hilarious!