The End of the World is Nigh

Charlize Theron and Viggo Mortensen’s new movie, The Road, adapted from Cormac McCarthy’s novel, predicts the end of the world. And where does it start? Well, it started in Dublin three years ago. Check out the trailer:

Did you spot it? Yup - one of the first signs of the apolocolyse was the riots on Dublin’s streets in 2006.

Dublin Riots - The Road

[Via Dec's Ramblings]

About Darren Byrne

Blogger, writer, movie buff, amateur dramatist and all round nice guy. When I'm not spouting about on, I can be found Tweeting inanities @DarrenByrne or @Culch_ie. I am the admin behind and if you want to contact me for anything, drop me a mail.

7 Responses to The End of the World is Nigh

  1. Emlyn says:

    Yeah, saw this trailer a while back, and it will definatly be one to watch out for! Will watch almost anything with Viggo Mortensen in it (well, bar that dreadful Psycho remake again) ;)

  2. Niall says:

    Nice. I honestly cannot wait for this movie.

  3. Keleher says:

    Looks like a tough road, but will go see this on the big screen, a Viggo fan too,
    LOTR series, and Hidalgo, which I thought was great, and overlooked for the most part.

  4. Niall says:

    Viggo was exceptionally good in Eastern Promises and A History of Violence. I was in Toronto for the film festival when I saw AHoV for the first time. It completely stunned me. I just hope his performance is at that level in this.

  5. Darren Byrne says:

    So, we’re all just seeing this movie because of Viggo? Excellent. He was wasted in Lord of the Rings. History of Violence is one of the greatest films in recent years and his performance in it is worthy of DeNiro, Pacino, etc.

    Eastern Promises may not have been the most earth shattering of films, but again Viggo carried it. He’s rapidly becoming one of my favourite actors.

  6. Niamh says:

    The film looks great, reminiscent of 28 Days a little. So all the guys are watching it for Viggo and not Charlize? :P I like both of them actually, should be an interesting one.

  7. Annie says:

    I’m watching it with trepidation because I absolutely loved the book. And the trailer doesn’t match my ‘vision’ whatsoever but that never happens, does it.

    Oh, and Omar from The Wire is in it briefly too.

    Does anyone know where they got the footage of the burning car on Nassau St from?