Those crazy Soundcheck kids are up to something a bit crazier than usual.
Play dead on the streets of Dublin and be part of the DEATH MOB, the Flash Mob to end all Flash Mobs.
Meet Thursday October 8 at 9.30pm in Dublin 2. RSVP on Facebook to receive details and updates, with the first coming Tuesday evening.
The location is to be made known to us on Thursday afternoon and all participants will get a free copy of the official DEATH MOB photo.
Sounds mad. MAD!! All details on Facebook here.
Soundcheck at Spy, South William Street on Thursday eveneings (free in before 11, just a fiver after) continues with FREE cupcakes, FREE chocolate, FREE popcorn, bottles of vino for a tenner before 9pm, 2-for-1 cocktails until 11pm and loads of 4 euro drinks.
After last week’s karaoke madness, they’ve got a SINGSTAR party going on this week. They’re also
showing the glutenous La Grande Boeufe - a 70s weird horror classic - at 7pm, with tonnes of free chocolate from Lindt and after that movie, we’ve got THE LEPRECHAUN screening at 8.30pm. If you haven’t seen this, you have to check it out - beyond hilarious. Then the SINGSTAR PARTY kicks off, followed by the best tunes on a Thursday night til late.
Guest DJs this week include Edel Coffey of the Irish Indo and general Phantom legend, Fake Tan Dan + Sarah Ruxton, and Platinum Jones as well as your favourite SoundCheck residents.
How very Amanda Palmer of them!!!
I love it!