Smile, There’s Cake

Nikon Cake

And other creations from the fascinating world of cake.

6 Responses to Smile, There’s Cake

  1. Niamh says:

    Although amazing, there is not a chance I’d eat that cake…the colours are far too removed from real food, lol

  2. froodie says:

    Mmmm Red Velvet Cake!! I am still looking for a recipe that doesn’t make everything icky and dry.

  3. Niall says:

    Brilliant! I went to the link and I want them all. I particularly want the Wall-E cake.

  4. Lottie says:

    @Niamh - I have to agree. I certainly couldn’t eat the icing but the inside looks soft and delicious.

    @Niall - Puff The Magic Dragon? WOW!

  5. Niall says:

    That Puff cake is completely OTT and I love it. The Fail Whale one is great too.

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