New Toy Story 3 Trailer

June 18th 2010 is going to be a fantastic day for kids of all ages. And judging by the shenanigans that went on at the Web Awards last night, we’re more kid-like than most infants! To coincide with the worldwide releases of Up and Toy Story 3D, Pixar have released the first full trailer for the new edition, Toy Story 3, and it looks fantastic.

EDIT: Didn’t realise that this was already posted in Dr Manfattan’s New Movie News already. I blame the post-awards Hangover. But it’s so great, it deserves extra attention!

About Ronan

Music blogger turned book/TV blogger. Avid follower of the Irish soccer team.

3 Responses to New Toy Story 3 Trailer

  1. Darren Byrne says:

    Check out Dr. Manfattan’s Movie News where he has this and other new movie trailers.

  2. Ronan says:

    Ah didn’t see that. How could I have missed that. Probably due to the shock at that new Karate Kid!

    Still, it deserves its own post! :D

  3. Ha yeah it is so big it probably does deserve it’s own post…

    ..spanish Buzz FTW!! :-P