Want to know how to quit twitter? Do what Miley Cyrus did.

Like OMG, seriously?

Good girl Hannah Montana Miley Cyrus. Quit twitter in an effort to keep “her private life private“, because she is done “trying to please” and all of that by posting a video - and on a particularly good one - on You Tube. As you do.

I loved Chris Matyszczyk’s take on it.

About darraghdoyle

Blogger, event addict and fan of street and performance art. You can contact me directly at darraghdoyle[at]gmail[dot]com or @darraghdoyle on twitter.

2 Responses to Want to know how to quit twitter? Do what Miley Cyrus did.

  1. Brogen says:

    Jesus that child is annoying. If she is out, then I am staying in.

  2. Jack says:

    She needs a huge kick in the face.