The Irish Film Board have seen the future and it contains the words You and Tube.
At the Darklight Festival last weekend the IFB unveiled its latest batch of short films. The scheme entitled Virtual Cinema features 9 short films, all of which were designed for those of us in the internet audience with attention deficit disorder. The shorts typically have a running time of 2 to 3 minutes with simple, manageable themes.
Although the films were all conceived and executed for computer screens they held up well on the much larger Lighthouse cinema screen, for the most part. Particular highlights include the excellently realised and very witty “Bono & My Ex“, the original yet simple Polish / Irish narrative of “Smuggle” and the enthusiastic “What Makes You Happy“, a film that’ll bring a smile to the coldest of cynics.
Ranging from documentary to drama, from simple gags to deeper moral tales, each film is drastically different to the next. All, however, are worth a few minutes of your time.
Hats off to the filmmakers involved.
Check out all of the short films here.
Darragh Doyle has written about another of the shorts, the unusual, yet captivating Solo Duet, here.
Nicely anticipated - I’ll be publishing each of the videos at 12 noon for the next few days…
I’m glad I didn’t post any of the actual videos here so!
And cool idea to post one a day.
I’m definitely having a wobbly day - ‘What makes You Happy’ just made me tear up big time. In a good way of course.
It’s great isn’t it Annie? The one who makes it is the lad fishing, he’s brilliant!
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