Colonel Popcorn’s Movie Munchies


Wanna get super duper hyper during your movie night, and wreck everyone’s head? With these timeless lumps of coloured sugar, you can do just that. Skittles are the way to go but remember if you don’t colour co ordinate and eat them in order of the rainbow colours your family will die.

It’s also not a well known fact, but every 3rd packet purchased comes with a free check up at the dentist.

About Colonel Popcorn

Fillum reviews, spoilers and trivia about fillums you've already seen, or at least should have by now.

Favourite movie munchies and ideas for new ones.

4 Responses to Colonel Popcorn’s Movie Munchies

  1. Niall says:

    I love Skittles. And I have to colour code them always. That’s the main reason I don’t eat them at the cinema. It’s too dark!

  2. Lottie says:

    Even the thought if Skittles gives me a weird dull ache in my jaws.

  3. You have to colour co ordinate everything or the world will just end

  4. Niamh says:

    Yum yum yum. Skittles do make me a bit hyper so I don’t really eat them much.
    Revels are your only man at the cinema :)