With just a few days to go til NaNaWriMo, this week’s recommended reading advises you on the don’ts and don’ts of novel writing.
Recommended Reading #15
In case you don’t know, every November budding authors around the world attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in just thirty days. It’s not just about moustache growing you know? NaNaWriMo encourages people to write an average of 1,666 words a day, with all editing and proofing coming later. Once you have the skeleton, you can concern yourself with the flesh later. Darren and I will each attempt to write some kind of semi-readable text, starting on Sunday, and we’ll post regular updates of our progress (or lack of) here.
Thus, this week’s recommended reading is the invaluable and hilarious writing guide How Not to Write a Novel by Howard Mittelmark and Sarah Newman. I haven’t read a lot of help books for writing (this may well be the first), but I cannot speak more highly of it.
The book is divided into numerous sections: setting, plot, dialogue, etc. and highlights the most obvious mistakes made by aspiring novelists. You wouldn’t realise there are so many pitfalls that will resign your manuscript to the recycling pile, but after reading this, hopefully a polished novel will appear. Although it may take numerous edits and re-writes!
What makes How Not to Write a Novel worth reading is all the humorous paragraphs the two authors use to show how these errors may occur in fiction. As they are witty, they are also memorable, so you’ll find yourself double-checking yourself and your writing to make sure you haven’t made mistakes.
Whether either of our attempted novels will ever be finished (or published) is another question, but after reading this, I definitely don’t have any excuses.
Book News
Dara O’Briain Book Signing
Comedian, TV host, and all around funnyman Dara O’Briain will be signing his new book Tickling the English in Eason on O’Connell Street on November 7th at 12 noon. I haven’t picked up a copy of it yet, but Saturday week may be the perfect excuse!
(Meant to mention this earlier) Check out our latest Culch book column. Sinead’s excellent RectoVerso. The first edition features an interview with bestselling author Audrey Niffenegger.
While I’m here: anyone else going to do NaNaWriMo?
The book sounds interesting, having written what could be novels, but having not even given a try at publishing, one way or another.
I liked Tickling The English a lot. It made me want to go to one of O Briain’s live shows (his Cork appearances for next year appear to be sold out already, unfortunately).
I might actually get the audiobook version of O Briain’s book when it comes out; it seems like it would really benefit from hearing it in his voice.
My God, that came around quickly. I really need to free up some time in my calendar.
Have some NaNoWriMo stuff planned but not that much to be honest - there’s an awful lot happening in other places. However, come Sunday, I’ll be sitting down and banging out words like I’ve done the last two years. Always an interesting exercise.
You got a strategy or content idea for yours yet?
@darren Not long to go. Sunday here we come. We can do it.
@darragh Good to have you on board! No strategy, although I have a sketchy plot outline in my head. Mine’s going to be a War of Independence action thriller!
What about yourself?
@Paul I’m going to see him again in January. Cannot wait. The best comedian we have.