Sci-Fi Television update


V‘ premiered Tuesday night in the US and I was quite impressed. I held off posting this until after the premiere showed in Ireland and Europe. I really liked the intro ’Where were you when JFK was assisinated?’ ‘Where were you on 9/11 ?’ ‘Where were you this morning ?’ !

The Visitors were quite open with their interests, they need some of our resources (water and food) in order to survive and in return, we for health and technological advances. Baccarin as Anna is a delightful combination of gorgeous and devious, that look of hers, see what I mean..

I liked that the show did not waste time with surprises regarding characters in the first episode, as to which human characters are actually Visitors, on both the good and the not so good sides of the forthcoming fight.

I read in the newspaper that ABC has produced four episodes, and if all goes well, ‘V’ will return after the Winter Olympics in March .. isn’t that teasing of them.


This week’s episode ‘Earthling’ was interesting, showing more off the Broyles character but seemed not to be linear with the future battle between the parallel universes.

Here is a good interview on the new season (possible spoiler alert!):


The show has heated up since the arrival of actor Dominic Monaghan whose character is one of those responsible for the ‘flash forward’ the other being the father of the boy in the hospital. So it seems it was a planned event, we’ll have to find out the answers to the how? and the why? as the season progresses.

About Keleher

Photographer, writer and trad Irish musician from the Boston area. Séamus' blog

2 Responses to Sci-Fi Television update

  1. Ronan says:

    “Dude this is Independence Day” was the best line from the first episode of V. Priceless.

    Must catch up on Fringe, but Flashforward is getting better after a lull of two poor episodes. Interesting to see where it goes.

  2. Keleher says:

    Yah, Ronan, re: ‘V’, good catch with that line about Independence Day, noticed that. Anna dealing with the television reporter before the interview was intense.

    ‘FlashForward’ except for the shootout ending of a recent episode, and the introduction of Monaghan’s character, has been sort of been meandering, hopefully it will get back to more investigating the event, finding answers.
    ‘Fringe’ needs to get back to the main story line too. I guess the networks need to stretch the story over the season though..