Ones To Watch #3 - Cowboy X

I haven’t done one of these for awhile, I promise to be a better Culchie from now on. Cowboy X aren’t new to the Irish music scene and their debut album Who Are These People? from late 2006 (you might remember the song Gabbi) is a personal favourite of mine, but it never really made any big splashes outside of the scene. This works in the bands favour however, as the second album is always hardest and over recent years there have been a number of Irish bands catapulted into short term fame, only to fall on their faces from the pressures of producing a follow-up album. Cowboy X have been in a long process of putting material together for their second album, which is due in February /March 2010. They released the tracks Break Me and Japanese Toy back in February of this year, singles that could have been … There’s more

Broken Spine #19 (with Competition)

*** Competition Closed *** *** Thank you to everyone who entered *** This week’s Broken Spine looks at Ox-Tales, a charity collection of short stories from Oxfam, as well as providing two lucky readers the chance to win the books! Recommended Reading #17 Ox-Tales are four brilliant collections of short stories from Oxfam with all the proceeds going to fighting poverty around the world. This would be notable itself, but is even better considering the talent that is on board. Oxfam has brought together a star-studded cast of bestselling authors such as Kate Atkinson, Sebastian Faulks, Helen Fielding, William Boyd, John le Carré, Ian Rankin and Jeanettte Winterson. Impressive, right? The books are centred on four themes - one for each book. Each theme (or book) highlights a different aspect of the wonderful work Oxfam does around the world. They are EARTH (from land rights to farming): AIR (combating climate … There’s more

Twilight Spoof #5764

There’s been some pretty hilarious content turned out by the Saturday Night Live gang over in the States: not only did we have Tina Fey starring as Sarah Palin, but without SNL, we also wouldn’t have The Lonely Island giving us “Jizz In My Pants” or “I’m On A Boat” or even 30 Rock. This week, guest host Taylor Swift shot the trailer below, a hilarious spoof on the Twilight franchise, all about choking people…by accident. Check it out soon before the American overlords decide it’s unfit for viewing this side of the Atlantic. I’m not going to include any 30 Rock videos, because you should already be watching it, but just in case you’ve never seen any of The Lonely Island’s videos… (and viewer discretion is advised…)

Hands on - Games out this week

Video games are increasingly taking a more central role in our lives and in the ever broadening scope of popular culture. With that in mind I wanted to keep you all abreast of the current situation in gaming. This week sees the release of one of the biggest games of the year, along with a new karaoke title for PlayStation, a cross-platform fantasy role-playing game and the third iteration of a platforming favourite. So let’s take a look at what’s on offer…

2012 - You’ve Been Warned

I caught the preview of this last week thanks to the lovely folk at Sony. What do I have to say about it? I’ve always thought of Roland Emmerich’s films as a guilty pleasure. I loved Stargate, Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow for being the sort of movies that you can watch repeatedly and still get a certain ‘Wow’ factor from. They never take themselves too seriously and never make me think too much, as most of the films that I would normally seek out would. Sure, he has made some complete duds (looking at you 10,000 BC and Godzilla), but for the most part his movies have stunning effects and are very entertaining. I’m trying really hard not to be a snob here!