Terminus: review

Last night I was very lucky to be able to attend the opening night of Terminus, written and directed by Mark O’Rowe, in the Peacock Theatre. Thank you to David McCadden of The Abbey Theatre for arranging the tickets Darren and Lottie were also able to attend so I look forward to their reviews, but for now here’s mine Terminus is a vivid, imaginative, fast-paced, heart-breaking, inspiring, award-winning piece of theatre. I know that’s a lot of adjectives but if you can’t keep up with those few you’d never be able to keep up with the, at times, break-neck speed of monologues in Terminus.

Tommy and Hector, kicking and starting

Tommy Tiernan and Hector Ó h’Eochagáin are to host a fundraising evening in Vicar Street on 22 November in aid of ‘The Complex’. You may have heard them perform together on their own radio show on i102104.ie - imaginatively called The Tommy and Hector Show - but this is a chance to see them on stage together. The night promises a host of Irish comedians and musicians such as Jarlath Regan, Après Match, David O’Doherty, Jape, Jeremy Hickey (RSAG), Maria Doyle Kennedy, the North Strand Kontra Band and others.

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Memory, er minute

Minute movie mystery is on hold, because I’m tired of it being guessed in the first comment. I’m convinced you’re all cheating despite all my warnings. This is a new series. I’ll take a famous moment in a famous movie that has been quoted to death. The thing is that movies are often mis quoted into pop culture. For example, not once in a Tarzan film have the words “Me Tarzan, you Jane” been uttered. “Beam me up, Scotty” was never said in any of the Star Trek movies. And so on. So self professed movie experts, I have a little game we can play. I’ll give you a line that should spark memories of a famous moment in movie history, and one line at a time, and one line per comment, you all try to complete the speech. No matter how much you think you know movies, you’ll miss … There’s more

The Apprentice Week Eight – What Happened?

While this week’s liveblog for The Apprentice was running, I was at the relaunch of Screen Cinema as Ireland’s first digital only arthouse cinema. So, I sadly missed all the bickering. Somehow, I managed to avoid hearing the result until yesterday when I finally got to watch it on TV3′s website. First impressions of this week’s episode: embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing. Down to just 7 contestants, we all know the personalities and foibles of each person, so the entertainment factor is certainly increased. Unfortunately, so too is the cringe factor, as every stupid thing they say, every awful faux pas is played out in full on screen. It’s like watching The Office, except it’s entertaining.

The iPod Shuffle

The Boston Globe has a weekly column where it lists an iPod shuffle for some semi-famous person, showing a totally random list of 10 tracks, some of which can be embarrasing I guess. I thought it would be interesting to see what we’d see from the Culchies here. Here goes mine…… 1: ‘Stop Crying Your Heart Out’ by Oasis 2: ‘Horse with No Name’ by America 3: ‘Close to the Edge’ (live) by Yes 4: ‘Salve Rex Gloriae’ by Anúna 5: ‘Low’ by Coldplay 6: ‘People are People’ by Depeche Mode 7: ‘In a Lifetime’ by Clannad with Bono 8: ‘Fisherman’s Blues’ by The Waterboys 9: ‘Sunrising’ by Future of Forestry 10: ‘Don’t Let the World Pass You By’ by Jean-Luc Ponty So, world of Culchiedom, what does your Shuffle show ?

ReachOut.com - Help when you need it

Excuse me while I briefly go wide of the Pop Culture mark for a moment and mention a new online resource that I feel deserves a lot of attention. Last Thursday, myself and few other Culchies went along to the launch of ReachOut.com, a site for young people which ultimately aims to make it acceptable and normal to ask for help. It is a web based community, a place where young people can find support, talk to their peers about their problems in a monitored forum and seek the right information they’ll need to get help. The launch video explains in better:

Star Wars Convention for Dublin, April 2010

The information on the flyer was very sparse. Will you be there? Emerald Garrison Ireland Invasion Dublin 2010 RDS Dublin - April 3rd and 4th http://www.invasiondublin.com And the website has even less information - but does have that nifty picture that accompanies this post. They were at the RDS for Toys 4 Big Boys with this Imperial AT-ST Walker replica as well.

An 80′s Revival…Fashion Hit or Miss?

Yes. It’s true. The dreaded shoulder pad is back. A 1980’s phenomena that conjures up images of power dressing and Dynasty has returned with a vengence and has surfaced on the catwalks and high street stores this season. Originally a trend that was developed in the 1930′s, shoulder pads came to the fore in the military style clothing of the 1940′s and then were reintroduced in a cut foam version in the 1980′s. Let’s be honest, the 80′s aren’t generally remembered with great fondness in the fashion stakes, so it does beg the questions - why bring the shoulder pad back? Well, much like any fashion trend, they’re not for everyone, but worn in the right way and on the right person, shoulder pads can actually help minimise a waist and hips and balance out a figure. I wasn’t afraid of a bit of shoulder pad action and on a … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously rifling through Robert Pattinson’s wheelie bin, so you don’t have to. We all enjoy a bit of peace and quiet from time to time, don’t we? Nodding off in the armchair in front of Jonathan Woss, having a relaxing cuppa with half a Twix you found in the glove compartment, a gentle stroll along the seaside with a gambolling labrador by your side and Enya playing on your iPod. Or whale song. I can’t tell the difference. All of these are appropriate ways to indulge your inner hermit. But did you know that whenever you enjoy those stolen, golden moments, you’re honouring that unfortunate distance between your reality, and that of the rich and famous? This may not worry you; you may never want to be … er … smeared by the paps, or impregnated by Jude Law, or parodied by Katy Brand. But if you’re the kind of … There’s more