Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Memory, er minute

Minute movie mystery is on hold, because I’m tired of it being guessed in the first comment. I’m convinced you’re all cheating despite all my warnings.

This is a new series. I’ll take a famous moment in a famous movie that has been quoted to death.

The thing is that movies are often mis quoted into pop culture.

For example, not once in a Tarzan film have the words “Me Tarzan, you Jane” been uttered. “Beam me up, Scotty” was never said in any of the Star Trek movies. And so on.

So self professed movie experts, I have a little game we can play. I’ll give you a line that should spark memories of a famous moment in movie history, and one line at a time, and one line per comment, you all try to complete the speech.

No matter how much you think you know movies, you’ll miss a word, a line or totally misquote the whole thing.

As always, no cheating. I’ll publish the chosen segment’s transcript afterwards and you can see what you got right and what you got wrong.

Hop to it!

This week: - A Few Good Men.

A nice easy one to start you off with.


Colonel Jessup: You want answers?


Over to you…..

About Colonel Popcorn

Fillum reviews, spoilers and trivia about fillums you've already seen, or at least should have by now.

Favourite movie munchies and ideas for new ones.

6 Responses to Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Memory, er minute

  1. Niall says:

    Lt. Kaffee: “I think I’m entitled to them.”

  2. Ooooh oooh ooooh!

    “You’re a lousy f***ing softball player Jack!

    Do I win?

  3. Emlyn says:


  4. Darren Byrne says:

    Come on Colonel, I think I’m entitled…

    Or I could fall into the Jonathan Davies trap on QI and say…You can’t handle the truth.

  5. Keleher says:

    I like this idea Colonel.

    Hmm.. Brain pain..

    I think we’re entitled to them. [?]

  6. Niall says:

    If I’m reading the rules right then after the initial line comes my first post, then Emlyns, then the 4 line of the speech which is “I want the truth”. So that would go:

    Jessup: You want answers?
    Kaffee: I think I’m entitled to them.
    Jessup: You want answers?
    Kaffee : I want the truth.

    Assuming I’m reading that right.