Tommy Tiernan and Hector Ó h’Eochagáin are to host a fundraising evening in Vicar Street on 22 November in aid of ‘The Complex’. You may have heard them perform together on their own radio show on - imaginatively called The Tommy and Hector Show - but this is a chance to see them on stage together. The night promises a host of Irish comedians and musicians such as Jarlath Regan, Après Match, David O’Doherty, Jape, Jeremy Hickey (RSAG), Maria Doyle Kennedy, the North Strand Kontra Band and others.
Tickets are €28.00 and are available from Ticketmaster.
Money from ticket sales will go towards funding for equipment for ‘The Complex’, a live arts space intended for Smithfield Square. It will be run by a group of professional theatre artists who have used the square before to produce a play called ‘Complexity‘ last February. In the past few months, Smithfield has turned into something of a ghost town with the majority of hotels and bars in the area having closed down. This group intend to work with the local community as well as the theatre community to bring something special back to Smithfield. Their last show was a cult hit bringing entertainment to theatre-going people as well as the local community and bringing together the large number of mixed cultures in the area.
Some local businesses have donated money and services to ‘The Complex’ but they need a sizeable amount of capital to purchase the right equipment to get more shows off the ground. If you’d like to support the arts and have a fun night out, you can buy your tickets to Kickstart ‘The Complex’ - Hosted by Tommy and Hector here.
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