Eastwick: Better The Devil You Know

This coming Tuesday sees the UK TV premier of the new US show, Eastwick . On The Hallmark Channel at 9pm, Eastwick is brought to us by ABC and based on John Updike’s novel The Witches Of Eastwick. Updike’s 1984 novel is in my view a nasty counter-feminist tale of three uninteresting suburban women who acquire magical powers when a new all powerful man appears in town. However, most of us will remember the 1987 movie The Witches of Eastwick starring Jack Nicolson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Cher and Susan Sarandon which adopts the stronger more comical empowering aspects of the book and translates them into a dark, comedy which I loved. Eastwick takes the story one medium further into the realms of prime-time Television. The comic drama once again about three New England witches whose powers are awakened when a mysterious man moves to town. It is the cleaner, softer, more … There’s more

I’m A Celebrity.. Yes I’m Actually Watching It

So I’ve been watching the latest series of I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. I’ve always liked the show. Some people say that the show is past its day in the spotlight and I’ve got to admit, I had the same impression too last season. I’d say I had watched the opening show last season and then I forgot that it was actually on. This year’s show has grabbed my attention for some reason. I actually think it’s quite good. I’m not crazy. Really. I’m not If you’ve been watching the show like myself then I’m sure you’ve read the posts here and here and know about the contestants and whatnot. Still can’t believe Kim Woodburn is in the jungle. Kim from How Clean Is Your House. Would’ve been funnier to watch Jillian McKeefe from How Clean Is Your Poo going in but I’ll settle for this. Still, … There’s more