French knickers, charity and teapots…

I feel like Christmas is coming early for us Vintage lovers with such lovely fashion happenings taking place this weekend … all ethical and very little new… just as Beatrice likes it But before we start wishing the week away, there’s a Tuesday treat in store as the guys from hold possibly the most charming soirée of the year. From 7pm tomorrow they will be in Dublin’s Pygmalion (a most fashion loving bar it has to be said) sipping cocktails and teaching us how to sew our own French Knickers! As someone that loves a bit of dressmaking I’m so excited about going down and getting my frill on but for those that have literally never done a stitch it will be a fab way of checking out your flair while getting a new pair of undies to boot. Not sure how they’ll sit under the skinny jeans mind … There’s more

U2 for Glastonbury

News out today that U2 will headline Friday night at the Glastonbury Festival next June in honour of it being the 40th anniversary of the festival. It’s their only date in UK/Ireland next year. Only trouble is the tickets are already sold out for the festival (boo). Here’s what the official U2 site says: “The band are due to play the opening night of the 40th Glastonbury Festival on June 25. It will be the only date the band play in the UK and Ireland next year. ‘The band is really looking forward to it’ Paul McGuinness tells us.

Two Sheets To The Wind: Top Five Musicals

In honour of Screen Cinema’s season of musicals and the December 25th release of Rob Marshall’s musical, Nine, we have decided to open up the Top Five to our favourite musicals. Now, we are talking about movie musicals only - there are plenty of strange and wonderful stage productions that have yet to grace the silver screen. For instance, my absolute favourite musical of all time, Wicked. While there is very excitable talk about a release in 2010 nothing is confirmed but rumour has it that neither Edina Menzel nor Kristin Chenoweth will be returning to their original roles. Boo and urns! We are also leaving the likes of online sensations of Dr. Horrible and TV miracles such as the musical episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer off this list. Animated films are also out of the running as per the decree of the Culchies. Lottie’s Top Five Movie Musicals … There’s more

X Blather, with Ronan and Sweary!

What better way to watch a show as entertaining and giddy and gloriously pointless as The X Factor than with another Culchie just as hopelessly devoted as yourself? Sweary and Ronan thought so. Gasp at their thoughtful analysis! Admire their reasoned debate! Laugh at how hopelessly incorrect their predictions were! Yes, folks, it’s time! For Ronan and Sweary! To face! THE MUSIC! The X Factor: George Michael Week As the preamble begins, and the butter melts into the popcorn, our intrepid correspondents swap reflections on the story so far. Well, at least as much of it as they can fit into the time taken up by The X Factor’s mandatory recap of last week’s show. Sweary: First thing’s first. I love Stacey Ronan: What is it about her? Her voice? Sweary: I used to love her voice … she’s starting to bore me a bit now, but she seems like … There’s more

The genius of Jedward

Jedward: they inspire some with revulsion, shame and hate on the one hand but I think it’s fair to say that the majority in Ireland admire and love them. I’m in this later camp and am very sad that they’re gone. I won’t be watching what’s left of the X Factor because there’s nothing left in it to watch. What make Jedward brilliant is that they entertain with comedy and delight. They are funny to watch and funny to listen to; they say funny things and are funny without trying to be. Their performances were what everyone tuned in to watch, even the judges. Every week they made mistakes in timing with their dancing and music and never sang that well but it didn’t matter; it became part of their charm and another aspect to their comedy. Another factor that made them unique and better than all the other contestants … There’s more