I am actually a celebrity get me da f*ck outta here…

…is what I imagine Jordan/Pricey/Katie Price said to herself when she was again voted to do a record breaking 7th bush tukka trial. In fairness I can’t blame her it was pretty bad and no one could stick doing all those trials for that amount of time without wanting out. I have to say I felt sorry for her and from her interview with the Ant or Dec last night she did seem to have copped on to herself a wee bit although dumping that poor sod on live national telly was a bit much and has shown that she’s still media hungry and is an attention seeker. Her twitter stated “Never under estimate the pricey !! Another journey begins lol” So i dunno about you but I just can’t wait for another installment of her auto biography which at this stage must be well over 10,000 pages now surely! … There’s more

Couch Potato – DVDs out this week

Okay folks we are now officially one month out from Christmas. Now the real fun begins with shops opening later and later in an attempt to syphon what meagre earning we have from our pockets. Looking to tempt us into a spending spree this week is a new line-up of shiny goodness for your home entertainment pleasure. See let’s looky what we have here…