Rock The Vote


Whoop! is nominated in the Best Blogger category of the Awards.

Please vote for us, we’re lovely.

The bearded-one is also up there for Sexiest Radio Voice. Don’t forget to show him some love too.

6 Responses to Rock The Vote

  1. SirJolt says:

    I’m on it broseph

  2. Keleher says:

    yay, team .. voted for both :)

  3. Maxi Cane says:

    I’d like to thank for taking my place in the run for best blog.

  4. Bngr says:

    Fair play us.

  5. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Culchie Catch-Up (13)

  6. Maxi Cane says:

    Just in case any one is interested, we’re winning.

    32% of the vote so far.