What the Numa Numa guy (Gary Brolsma) did next

You may not know the name Gary Brolsma or know the tune of the song Dragostea din tei by Romanian band O-zone offhand, but if I said it’s the Numa Numa video from 2004, one of the most famous internet virals out there, you’d probably get it.

Have a look at his most recent outing. Geek that I am, I’m terribly impressed by his performance with the MSU Marching Band.

I love seeing the online and offline merge. The way it should be. Gary’s myspace is here.

About darraghdoyle

Blogger, event addict and fan of street and performance art. You can contact me directly at darraghdoyle[at]gmail[dot]com or @darraghdoyle on twitter.

2 Responses to What the Numa Numa guy (Gary Brolsma) did next

  1. Peter says:

    Tagged under NUma numa?? LOL

  2. That made my evening - thanks!!!

    By the by, did you know that Dublin theatre Company Pan Pan recently incorporated the original Youtube vid into their play - The Crumb Trail with the video playing on overhead projection and the cast doing the dance on stage - classic moment!!!!!