V: only the beginning…

The fourth episdode of ABC’s V aired this week, here is a preview:

I like that quick view of Anna ‘walking the walk’ ;) and her ‘Bliss’ scene was very interesting as well.

At the end of the show, the shot pulled away from Earth through our solar system to hundreds of ships, the invasion fleet ! I looked for photos or video clips of this to no avail.

The series returns in March 2010 after the Winter Olympics. The show piqued my interest, I’ll be looking forward to seeing how ‘V’ unfolds next year.

About Keleher

Photographer, writer and trad Irish musician from the Boston area. Séamus' blog

3 Responses to V: only the beginning…

  1. Arnie says:

    I’ve enjoyed it, but like the original mini-series, that should really be that. The subsequent cash-in series was rubbish, and I don’t have any higher hopes for this one.

  2. Keleher says:

    I’m hoping that it will be good when it returns, so much more can be done now with the technologies, perhaps they’ll even surprise us a bit, does not have to actually be the same as the original..

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