Can I Get One Of These Suits For Christmas?


I’m quite the comic book geek, so naturally I think this poster is f***ing awesome. :-D

The new one-sheet from Iron Man 2. Did you see the first one? Like it?

Hopefully Downey Jr. & Favreau will pull it off.

About Sean I operate on that lovely little channel up yonder when I'm not stalking the Culch.ies or being an extreme nerd on other parts of the internet. You should Totes McGotes check me out. If you do, I promise never to use the phrase 'Totes McGotes' again. You have my word.

5 Responses to Can I Get One Of These Suits For Christmas?

  1. Niall says:

    Rumours have it that RDJ rewrote some of the script. I think it’s safe to say that he is Tony Stark at this stage.

    Oh and I love the poster.

  2. AMAZING! I may have just wet myself with excitement…

    @Niall He is indeed Tony Stark!

  3. Voodoolady says:

    As much as I loved Iron Man, the presence of that crazy coat rail Gwyneth Paltrow just ruins it for me.


  4. Bngr says:

    Voodoo, I know she’s annoying but you can practice in blocking her out. I found her least offensive in this. It’d be a different story if smarmy rake Knightley was in it.

    In other news, cmon the 2! I love the way they don’t even need to add the title of the film to the poster.