Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2009 – No.18

A week ago I started this “epic” quest and now I stand almost one-third of the way through. In case anyone was wondering the full list of films that I have seen this year clocks in at around 130, and from this I compiled the Top 25. That does mean that I may have missed some gems but I did try to see as many of the contenders as possible.


My 18th best movie of 2009 is…


Based on the best-selling novel by author Neil Gaiman, Coraline tells the story of a young girl who, after moving to a new home, feels neglected by her distracted parents. After finding a hidden door she discovers an alternate version of her life, where everything appears to be better. But is everything as good as it seems, and can her doppelgänger other parents be trusted?

Why it’s worthy: Coming from The Nightmare Before Christmas director Henry Selick the animation is top-notch, a beautiful blend of stop-motion and computer graphics that give the film a very warm feel. And feeling is what this movie is all about. Colour is used to wonderful affect to convey the emotions running rampant within Coraline and to highlight the difference between the fantasy world and our own. It’s a wonderful mix of fantastical fun, tempered with a splash of danger and a barrel-load of creepy. It’s a devilishly delightful movie, equal parts terrifying and charming, a rich tapestry of human emotions woven deep within our psyches. The characters are rich and deep, Coraline herself is all vim and vigour, smart and funny, but also a self-centred brat, grumpy and insecure. It’s a testament to the script, animation and Dakota Fanning’s voice work that the character comes across so well and so relatable. The other characters are strong too, with the Other mother elevating Cruella deVil creepiness to entirely new levels. The haunting score too, manages to add additional menace and intent to the tone of the film.

Fatal flaws: This movie may well be too scary in some instances for kids, but then the same was said about The Wizard of Oz, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, which are all adored by younger generations. The cinematic release of this movie benefited from the 3D effects that big theatres can provide so it’s a slightly more muted film on DVD. The movie is, like it’s animated compatriot 9, more about the visual than the story, and in some instances this visual is not enough. For the rest it is and these minor blips are quickly forgotten as the next amazing part of the story unfurls.

Verdict: Coraline is a wonderfully dark, deep, visually stunning, masterpiece of cinema that will linger long in the memories and in the imagination.

About Niall

The proverbial man lost in La Mancha. Sports aficionado and all-round scoundrel. Über-geek to boot. I run the movie website and can usually be found twittering away as @niallxmurphy.

2 Responses to Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2009 – No.18

  1. Joe McKenna says:

    My daughter loved this movie! She was a wee bit scared but now it does not phase her! She’s one tough little girl!

  2. Ronan says:

    Majorly disappointed with this film. Wanted, expected, hoped it’d be much better. Needed more Burton.

    It still was a decent film though. Just not brilliant.