Zooey On My Mind

It’s no secret - I’m in love with Zooey Deschanel. I know it, you know it, my girlfriend knows it. The sooner we all accept this fact, the happier we’ll all be.

Not only is she hot as hell, but she can act and has a gorgeous singing voice. I reviewed her She and Him album last year, a beautiful mix of sweet and sultry tracks recorded with M.Ward. Today, I hear they are working on a follow-up. She and Him Volume 2 will be released on April 5th 2010 and features songs written by Deschanel and produced by Ward.

Here’s Sentimental Heart - it’s just luvly:

About Darren Byrne

Blogger, writer, movie buff, amateur dramatist and all round nice guy. When I'm not spouting about on Culch.ie, I can be found Tweeting inanities @DarrenByrne or @Culch_ie. I am the admin behind Culch.ie and if you want to contact me for anything, drop me a mail.

11 Responses to Zooey On My Mind

  1. Niall says:

    With two posts so far featuring the elfin goddess we need to keep the Zooey trend running today.

  2. Paul O'Regan says:

    Got the first album after hearing good things about it here. Really love it, and looking forward to the new one.

  3. Emlyn says:

    @ Darren - I’ve only seen her in ‘Almost Famous’ and ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy’ thus far…but I believe your love is justified :)

    @ Niall - and yes, she is very elfin! I say start a campaign to get her a part in ‘The Hobbit’ asap! Little or no special makeup required.

  4. Darren Byrne says:

    @Niall We failed miserably, I think.

    @Paul Ah brilliant. Glad we introduced you to her wonderful voice.

    @Emlyn What is it with you and elf-love?

  5. Emlyn says:

    @ Darren - all in the ears…you should see me with Vulcans! ;)

  6. Peter says:

    OK can I ask if Zooey and you hook up that I can have a shot with Liz??


  7. Keleher says:

    Like the song, and Peter’s comment, lol :)

  8. She’s boring! Her eyes look like there’s just nothing behind them.

  9. Peter says:

    * leaves this conversation very quickly and very quietly *

  10. Darren Byrne says:

    @RPs Don’t make me block you. How could you cqll her boring? She has everything.