Guest Post: A Letter to Santa

Today, we have a guest post from Dave Minogue who wants to share his letter to Santa with all the Culchies.
- Darren

Dear Santa,

Hey it’s me, DAVE MINOGUE!!!!

How’ve you been bud?!

I tried adding you on Facebook but i dont think you added me back. Maybe you dont use it that often. But we’re still cool, right? I didnt exactly get what i wanted for Christmas last year and to be fair i was a little bitter about it.

I’m totes over it now though.

Sorry i haven’t wrote to you all year and i dont blame you for thinking that i only ever write when i want something…it’s not true. Not even nearly.
I’m just always really busy from January to November.

Look, i need a favour. I’ve tried asking God, but as an agnostic and a general ass hole, i dont think he takes me too seriously. Besides the favour is not really for me, i think everyone would benefit from this…

I need a Hover board.

I know what your gonna say:

‘Dave, your very clearly on the naughty list.’

Well just hold on and hear me out, dickhead. I can explain everything.

I’m sure once put into context, each of my wrong doings/crimes, your opinion of me will change and you will begin to perceive me in the same light i do.

Ok, firsty- all the lies. Well i only ever lied to save my own back, get things to go my way, to make me seem like a better person or to get stuff i wouldnt ordinarily deserve- so technically i dont think i should be held responsible for those things as lying is a survival technique.
( By the way; If you see the Make a Wish Foundation could you thank them for the yacht? Also, could you tell them i’m dead?)

The theft. This is kinda awkward. I was at that house party and i didnt like the way the host’s friend talked about women… So, yes; i did take the potted trees, mirrors, chair, food and possibly a remote (?).

But, Santa, the guy was a chauvinist… i’m a modern man, am i just supposed to lie down and accept this behavior? No is the answer. That’s what the Jews did when Hitler was being a Chauvinist and look what happened them.

Yes, i have urinated in or on a few things that i really had no right to urinate on. It’s not a big deal for me so i’d appreciate it if you wouldnt make a deal out of it. Thanks.

All the other bad stuff i’ve done shouldnt count because i dont remember them aka they never happened.

So, i’m sure you agree; I’m a great person and deserve a hover board.

If you could drop it over to mine that would be swell :)

Also, if it’s not too much trouble could you bring it earlier? Like the next few days…there’s no real reason, i just dont want to have to wait till X-mas day.

Anyway i got to go because X-Factor is on. Do you know Jedward?

Seasons wishes,
Dave Minogue.

Ps- I’ve grown a beard too.

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