Broken Spine #21 - Christmas Reading

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without book vouchers! But if you plan on buying a book this week to read while you’re waiting for the turkey and spouts to cook on December 25th, Broken Spine is here to help you get in the festive mood. At least between the sheets… Of paper that is. Recommended Reading #20 - Terry Pratchett, Charles Dickens, Neil Gaiman, Doctor Seuss First up is Terry Pratchett’s excellent Hogfather. The title character is the fantasy land Discworld’s take on Santa Claus, and visits children to deliver presents on December 32nd. Yes, it’s a fantasy novel, so suspend belief! You don’t have to have read Pratchett’s other Discworld novels to enjoy this one, as shown by the fact Sky One created a TV movie version which is suitable for everyone, fans and non-fans alike. It’s like a beautiful alternative Christmas fable. Definitely for fans of Tim Burton’s Nightmare … There’s more

Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2009 – No.4

It pains me greatly to put today’s choice at four instead of one. As soon as I saw it I felt about 10 again and realised why I love cinema so much. It brought me back to when I saw Jurassic Park, Star wars, and Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time and evoked childhood memories the likes of which few movies can. For almost 2 hours I sat enthralled, moth agape and starred in wonder at the majesty that unfolded onscreen. It was only in hindsight that I looked at this movie critically and saw it’s flaws, but then I went back and saw it again, and again, and again, and each time I forgot the flaws and loved that I had chosen to spend my time watching this particular movie. Logic tells me it shouldn’t be one and like for one of the protagonists logic almost … There’s more

News about the 2010 Irish Blog Awards

I’m sure you were only dying to know… As per the official blog: Just to let you know a few things about the 2010 Blog Awards: They will be in Galway We are looking at a March date Nominations will be opening on the first week of January for 2 weeks There are going to be new categories as well as old ones that will go There will be changes to the way nominations happen There you go now. Cue predictable mix of posts/updates/accusations/snide remarks/declamations and protestations. You know they’re coming…