Sherlock Holmes

I went to see Sherlock Holmes last night, the film was engaging, Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law worked well together, and it was not all action either, had its’ moments of deductive reasoning, even the fighting scenes were good as Holmes mentally planned the blocks and the hits and their physical damage intended in medical detail. Former boxer ‘Big’ Joe Egan from Dublin played the muscle for the antagonist, Lord Blackwood portrayed by Mark Strong. Rachel McAdams’ character is an acquaintance ;) of Sherlock Holmes.

I’ve never walked the streets of London, but it looked like all the street scenes were real, and upon checking the IMDB website for the film found that London, Manchester and Liverpool were amongst the filming locations.

Regarding the antagonist of this film, it is not Moriarty, which I thought it would be, but he is shown, just a glimpse of his shaded persona, the lapel of his overcoat and a derringer mechanically sprung from his hand. So the good news is that there should be a sequel.

Here is the preview:

About Keleher

Photographer, writer and trad Irish musician from the Boston area. Séamus' blog

10 Responses to Sherlock Holmes

  1. Niall says:

    I’ve been big upping this movie since I first heard about it and I must say that it did not disappoint. It’s only a shame that I haven’t the time to post a review of my own yet. Now that the Christmas period is behind me I must resume my movie loving ways.

  2. NaRocRoc says:

    It’s like CSI set in London circa the nineteenth century crossed with the Da Vinci Code meets Ocean’s Eleven and Casino Royale crossed with Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

    But that said, it’s most enjoyable! It shouldn’t be but is.

  3. Keleher says:

    Yeah, NaRocRoc, was a bit like old ‘CSI’ meets old ‘House’ [Dr. Watson]. The pentagram DaVinci Code-ish too. It was fast moving and entertaining, but was was lacking in the mystery and solving one expects with Sherlock Holmes.

  4. Peter Balfe says:

    I just dunno if I will go to see this. I am a big Holmes buff and so not sure if this iteration will do anything for me.

  5. Keleher says:

    Hi Peter,

    Basil Rathbone’s Sherlock Holmes it is not, but still worth a look I think. The interaction between Holmes and Watson in this film was more comedic and competitive, the characters as equals, more so than the older film’s superior Holmes and sidekick Watson.


  6. Bngr says:

    I don’t know why people were worried about this being bad, it has eveything for a top class film - Victoriana romance +RDJ charm + cool Holmes style detectivy bits - and it so works.

    NRR - you need to check out Murdock Mysteries on Alibi (and if not it’s probably online somewhere). It’s moreorless CSI set in 1900 Boston. Great stuff.

  7. NaRocRoc says:

    Cheers BNGR. I shall indeed look it up. Thanks.

  8. Keleher says:

    Me too, thanks Bngr.

  9. CW says:

    A decent film, even if Downey although a good choice for Holmes is no Jeremy Brett. I look forward to the sequel.
    Should Dr Who ever make it to the big screen Downey would be an excellent choice to play the lead role.

  10. Keleher says:

    Downey was good in Sherlock Holmes, with that hat on, he looked more like an Impressionist artist (lacking the name).
    As for Dr. Who on the big screen, not sure, used to watch the earlier version with Baker (?) the actor who played Barty Crouch Jr. in HP and the Goblet of Fire seemed good, he has that mad eye look going, will throw a mad ideas out there, Daniel Day-Lewis, Cillian Murphy or perhaps Alan Rickman ?