On Tuesday, we had Culch.ie’s first film screening. As a bit of a Happy Birthday to us, we gathered 80 people in The Sugar Club for a screening of Bill Murray’s classic comedy, Groundhog Day.
Oh, for anyone that may be interested, the real Groundhog did see a shadow on Tuesday morning, so we are destined for another 6 weeks of winter. But we didn’t let that ruin our night and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
I just wanted to say thanks to all the people who came along. I had so much fun once I finally calmed down.
A few people I didn’t thank on the night, though I should have, are Anthony, Sinead, Eoin, Blaithin and Dave for making the night run so smoothly. I also want to thank Paula in EMI for sorting us out for some spot prizes. It was a nice touch for the evening. Well done to the winners, Mark, Ben, Nicola and Dennis.
I once again want to give a huge huge thank you to Oisin and The Sugar Club for making the night happen. At such short notice, he stepped in and saved my ass. Oisin, already looking forward to next February 2nd, if you’ll have us.
I’m sorry I didn’t get around to talking to everyone individually last night. I will rectify that over the coming while.
Sorry I couldn’t make it…put me down for the next one though!
Thanks for all the efforts. Really enjoyed myself and was good/weird catching up
It was a fun night-well done lads and lassies for thinking of it and pulling it off even with the last minute venue change
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