
I was looking forward to this film and in the beginning it didn’t disappoint. The angel Micheal falls to earth in a scene reminiscent of the start of Terminator, loads up on guns, as angels do, steals a car and drives off. Switch to mismatched group of Joe soaps stranded for various reasons in a diner/gas station in the middle of nowhere. While they’re coming to terms with television and phone breakdowns, obvious signs of the collapse of civilisation, and an encounter with something quite nasty, Michael turns up to tell them everything’s not going to be alright and that God’s decided to kill them all especially the child of the pregnant smoker girl (is it the new messiah? Nothing really said), and hands out the guns. Cue failed attempt at evacuation of wounded and general denial. So far so good. The pace changes abruptly and we’re treated to some … There’s more