Star Wars In Concert

Before starting this review I should state, like many a person, Star Wars means a hell of a lot to me. No hang over or heart break ever feels as bad when you are sat with a cup of tea and The Empire Strikes Back is sitting in your DVD player or oddly preferably just on ITV on a rainy Saturday afternoon allowing you to refill said cup during the ad breaks that you always see coming (my fav being the sure fire ad break after Yoda says ‘No, there is another’ for you ad fact fans out there). So when it was first advertised that Star Wars in Concert was coming to the O2 why did I not run out and sell my grand mothers ashes to get a ticket. Firstly because that would be a rather horrible thing to do and secondly because of an event back in … There’s more

Children Of The Drum - Kodo One Earth Tour

Kodo is one of those Japanese words that has two meanings. The first is “Heartbeat”, some think that the sound of the great taiko is similar to a mothers heartbeat and can help lull small children to sleep. Which should mean growing up next to a nightclub should mean peaceful nights. The other meaning is “Children of the Drum”. A touch more romantic. Kodo is also the name of a group of traditional Japanese drummers visiting Ireland as part of their One Earth Tour (which started in 1984).

There’s a play in my soup! Lunchtime Theatre for Galway

Starting today and for the rest of March Kelly’s will be hosting lunchtime theatre at 1pm. The programme is as follows- 8, 9, 10 March: Waterdonkey Theatre presents The Fourth Wall and What Does a Duck Mean? by Meadhbh Haicéid 15, 16, 17 March: Moonfish Theatre presents Brewers Fayre by David Greig 22, 23, 24 March: Winner of the Jerome Hynes One Act Play Award 29,30, 31 March: Truewest Theatre Co presents The Head of Red O’Brien by Mark O’Halloran Admission is only €5 so if you’re in town grab a sandwich and a show. Kelly’s Bar & Lounge, Bridge Street, Galway, Ireland. Tel.: +353 (0) 91 563804 View Kellys in a larger map