Trailer: Predator

This will be very cool!!!

[local /wp-content/uploads/2010/03/predators_trl1_031810_flvlowwide.flv nolink]

About Bryan

I'm the popular kid. I'm the one who gets the girls and scores the goal. Kind of.

2 Responses to Trailer: Predator

  1. Peter Balfe says:

    I just saw this a short while ago - agreed it looks very cool. Was of two minds when I first heard the casting of Adrien Brody - but I have to admit the man looks in fine form here.
    This looks back to basics and what made the first film such a great movie.
    While I love the Alien vs Predator idea - it works better in comic form than film and good to see the predators get central stage

  2. Emlyn says:

    Looking good and too agree with Peter, the basic formula of Predator(s) vs humans works much better. The Alien vs Pred works best in the comics (and all because the props dept on Predator 2 decided to throw a wee Alien skull in there!).