Garth Brooks in concert…would you?
Here’s the confession… Not much of a confession since you’ve presumably read the title of the post already. Ladies and Gentlemen - I love Garth Brooks. I own his CDs, I sing them very loudly in my car. I give dirty looks to people who went to his Irish concerts in the 90s when I was too young to know that I loved him. I am hugely, desperately, irredeemably uncool. So imagine my excitement when I discovered that Brooks (Garth of my Heart <3) was coming out of his self-imposed retirement? Imagine how my little country music lovin’ heart fluttered at the possibility that maybe, just maybe, I would line dance to Friends in Low Places at the RDS or the O2? (Look, one girl’s dream is another girl’s nightmare). Then, imagine my disappointment when I discovered that he would only be playing one venue and that venue is in … There’s more