Can you believe it’s 15 years since we first met Woody and Buzz. Toy Story was such a big part of my childhood - but I was already in my teens when it first came out in 1995. Proof that it truly was a film for all ages.
Then in 1999, rather than release a throwaway sequel, Pixar and Disney created Toy Story 2, a follow up story that bettered the original. It was intelligent and touched on themes of abandonment, love and identity.
So, 10 years on, is there still a place for Woody and Buzz in our lives? Andy has grown up and become a young man. He has put away childish things. Should we be doing the same? Should we leave Toy Story 3 to the kiddies and spend our cinema money on Meryl Streep dramas and James Cameron epics? Watch this and then decide. It’s the moment Ken and Barbie first meet:
Ken’s Dreamhouse FTW!!! What do you think?
I love this clip, saw it the other day. Really excited about seeing the film when it’s out.
Can’t WAIT for this to come out! So excited!!!!
This is tough watching following the divorce
but doesn’t Barbie kind of look like Taylor Swift or vice versa
Brilliant can not wait to see it.
Cant believe it is 15 years old my youngest watches Toy Story one at least 5 times a week