Now, if you’re a fan of going to the cinema just for the sake of it, then a few years ago you may have noticed the Brit-Flic Death at A Funeral.
It was a laugh riot. And a rather good movie. I enjoyed it at the time, and almost forgot it existed as it didn’t achieve cult status like some of Richard Curtis’ movies (Four Weddings, Notting Hill and Love Actually. Aka The Notting Hill Trilogy). But with a full cast of characters and loads of laughs, it deserved more attention than it got.
Death At A Funeral (British Original)
But 3 or 4 years down the line, it’s emerged that America liked it too. So much so that they have remade it. However they have done it with a gimmick, 90% of the cast are African American comedians… Why? I don’t know.
Death At A Funeral (2010)
Is it just me or is this just taking pointless re-hashing way to far? Hollywood for a city said to have hundreds of screenwriters it appears no one is willing to write something new themselves.
Sometimes it’s just too much to take!
EVERYTHING is being remade by Hollywood these days…as if people aren’t intelligent enough to just enjoy the original. And yes, it shows a complete lack of originality
The sad thing is that if the remake is (usually) awful, then it will tarnish the original’s reputation or put potential newcomers off discovering a movie gem
Well, one good thing has come of it - I will now go buy the original.
The remake looks truly awful.
oh dear well the american version will prob be more succesful but not as good. however i will reserve judgement. That actor is in both films though that’s a bit weird no?
Some of the gags in the remake look better but Chris Rock just can’t act. He’s so wooden it’s unreal. And the other lad doesn’t look too much better. Might have to give it a miss!
And the reason studios keep making remakes is that they own the rights and it’s cheaper, safer way to cash in rather than risking the time and money invested in new material. It’s a shame alright but people keep going to them unfortunately that’s why it keeps happening.
The original Death at a Funeral is a Frank Oz movie not Richard Curtis.
I seen the original and loved it and when I first heard of this remake I was skeptical but the trailer for the remake does look good. I mean they can’t go too far wrong - it’s practically the exact same film.
It’s a pity though, that the director of this new version, Simon LaBute, has been boasting in interviews that his version will be “much better” than the original. This from the man who directed the Nic Cage remake of The Wicker Man . . .
@Liam Wow, that does sound like a bad director to use…
And i never said it was directed by Richard Curtis, just that it was different to most British rom-coms, ala those churned out by Mr Curtis.
@Liam While I was editing typos, I think I may have been responsible for adding “other” into the line “…Richard Curtis’ movies”. Apologies for the confusion.
@Darren Yup it was the ‘other Richard Curtis movies’ that had me. No worries. It’s all gravy.
It’ll be a good exercise in film comparison to watch the two movies, both in the English language, and both within a few years of each other.
The original is good, some seriously under rated performances - such as Peter Dinklage and Alan Tudyk. Just do not understand why the film is being remade, other than America thought they could do a better job. The African American twist is one that I was not expecting and I will be interested in seeing it play out…